Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter Celebration and More

Happy (belated) Easter everyone!
Christ has Risen! Hallelujah!
(or like Caleb would say - Hayyeyahah!)
We were able to travel out to South Dakota to visit the Eben relatives and spend time with Great Grandpa and Grandma. We all had a great time, but I think Caleb had the best time. He got to meet his cousin (once removed), hunt for eggs, dye eggs, and ride in a tractor! He also did REALLY well in the, almost 7 hour, car ride. What a blessing that was!
Here are some of the pictures from the weekend...
Caleb enjoyed looking at the big tractors at the farm

Coloring Easter Eggs!
Caleb's hand was completely black by the time we were done! He would roll the eggs to his Grandpa - but somehow he managed to only crack 4 eggs.

Caleb had barely finished his breakfast when he threw on his hat and begged for his coat to be put on so that he could go outside! Grandpa and Daddy took him for a tractor ride and he was absolutely thrilled. He especially liked all of the levers and buttons in the tractor.

Grandpa and Caleb exploring the country.

Keira and Caleb becoming good buddies...

The easter bunny left Caleb his first basket!

Family photo of our 2nd Easter together

The BIG Eben Egg Hunt!!!

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