Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas! (A Little Late)

Merry Christmas! Here are a couple quick pictures from the last couple days.
We'll post more this coming weekend when we are home.

Have a safe and happy New Year!!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Leaps and bounds

Happy 2 Month Birthday Caleb!
(well as of yesterday on the 18th)

Yesterday Caleb had his 2 month doctor's appointment and
we found out we have a very long baby!
He is now two feet tall which is the 90% for his age.
His head circumference is also in the 90%.
His weight however is in the 50% at 11 lbs. 8oz.
Caleb is becoming a big boy, growing by leaps and bounds...
Do you think it is too early to start putting bricks on his head to keep him from growing!?!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Our cute little one

Here's some fun video of the things he does best! Well, ok, there are no videos of him pooping. :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Fun smile

This is a picture Grandpa Schack took a few days ago when we got together to celebrate Jon's (Daddy's) birthday. Isn't it great!?!

Monday, December 8, 2008

7 weeks old

Here are some recent pics of Caleb in his 7th week... time is going fast!

Time with friends Evan and Jensen:

Aunt Katie

Aunt Katie has been visiting us for 6 days. She just went home this afternoon back to Arizona. We loved having her stay with us! Katie and Caleb were able to spend a lot of time together while we were busy with some church events. Katie also got to spend time with the dogs... hopefully she'll return! Anna was spade and has to wear a cone so she doesn't pull on the stitches, so she was kind of a grumpy dog and hasn't been too fun to be around. By the end of the week though the dogs sure did accept her as part of the family!

Caleb is all bundeled into his car seat. The cover keeps him nice and toasty, plus he gets to play peek-a-boo with it!

Friday, December 5, 2008

First cold

I, as a new mother, have been dreading for this day to come... my baby is sick! :(

Caleb has his first little cold. He has a stuffy nose and small cough. We're hoping it doesn't get any worse so that he continues to sleep at night and isn't unhappy all day. Tis' the season to get sick though, I suppose it was going to happen sooner or later.

There has also been a new awareness Caleb has been having - he lets us know when he has a wet diaper! He never seemed to be too phazed when he had a dirty diaper, but all of a sudden the last couple days he has let us know when he wants to be changed. The last two nights he has woken up screaming and doesn't stop until I get his diaper off.... yey. If only we could teach him to just tap us on the shoulder to wake us up so that we know it's time to change him...
