Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween! (2010)

Happy Halloween!!!
This year I was a "Puppy-Doggy"!
Getting ready for the Trick-or-treater's

Pre-Trick-or-treat Candy... gearing up...

Trick-or-treat!!! and Thank you!!!

Ya-Ya stopped by at the end of the night!
We tried to get a picture together... 
But we're not very good at sitting still.

Pictures with Mommy and Daddy - I'm quite hyper right now with all the sugar surging through my veins!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

My First Pumpkin!

 We all carved our first family pumpkin this year.
The pumpkin had been grown in our own backyard.
 We drew two faces on the pumpkin since it was a double pumpkin. 

Caleb loved using his little saw - it took lots of concentration.

Cleaning out the goop!

The finished product! Sides A & B 

Caleb LOVED looking into the pumpkin and seeing the candles.

Caleb was one proud boy! 


Happy Halloween!!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

2nd Birthday Party!

 Happy 2nd Birthday Caleb!!! (A little early)

We celebrated Caleb's second birthday with friends, family, and Thomas the Train Engine!
Here are some pics from this awesome day!

Showing off his new Thomas hat 
Standing by his great presents! After every toy he wanted to play with it, he didn't quite understand the idea of opening all the presents before playing. He was quite giddy after many of his presents.

"Thank you Uncle Ethan!"

Opening Aunt Rachael's present

Caleb is TWO years old!!! Represented by two fingers of course!

Caleb was absolutely thrilled that everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to him.
He clapped and squealed at the end of the song.
   Time to blow out the candles...                                       
And eat cake and ice cream!