Friday, July 3, 2009

Road trip - Colorado (1st week)

We took a three week road trip in June through
Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and then home.

Here are some pics from our first part in Colorado.

Hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park

And best of all...Splashing!!!

Snooping in Oma's cooler...yum.

My new favorite ride - very comfy!

Crystal & Robert's Wedding
We all cleaned up quite nicely, if I do say so myself.
Lions and tigers and Stuffed Bears - oh my!

My Opa and Oma!

This is me at my best - screaming - in the car - for an hour straight!
It probably doesn't help that I popped two teeth on the trip!
My favorite new toy - hotel keys.

Hiking in the rocks at the Garden of the Gods.
Colorado was great!
We spent lots of time with Opa and Oma and saw so many beautiful mountains, waterfalls, and amazing rock formations. After a week we said goodbye and headed to Utah.

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